
The problem with feeling lucky is it means that a part of you doesn’t feel you belong. I was watching a show with my kids, and one of the characters made this statement and it has echoed in my mind for days now. Luck is always thought of as something magical and a thing to be envious of, and maybe this is why. If you flat out earn something, you feel that you fully deserve it, you can embrace it because you worked for it. If you feel luck was involved at all, I wonder does that take away some of that satisfaction?

As I look back on times I have felt “lucky” there was absolutely a sense of instability to it. Like how did I get so lucky to have this thing or do this thing, I also very much felt the weight of worry for when it may be taken away. I think we also use luck as a way to discredit others’ accomplishments. If we say “oh she is so lucky that happened to her” aren’t we kind of saying “yes great for her, but maybe she doesn’t really deserve it.”?

I do think that there is an element of luck that floats about the world, or perhaps you can call it fate. Certain things are meant for certain people. But I also very much believe that this physical world has trained many of us to close ourselves off to possibilities, and therefore close ourselves to this luck. We are inundated constantly by advertising and social media, telling us what we should want. What if we allowed ourselves to open our minds and hearts to what the universe has in store for us specifically? Life is not a one size fits all model, it is a blank canvas experience that each of us have been given, and each of us has the ability to influence. Perhaps that is when luck steps in, when we allow ourselves to open up to the possibilities for our specific life. And perhaps that is why it feels so much as though we don’t belong when it happens, because so much outside influence constantly tells us we must fit a certain mold, but our true selves know that we cannot all possibly fit the same model. What a boring world exerience that would be if we were all the same.


Healing takes listening